XLVets Farm

Working together for a healthier future

Press articles

  • Livestock - May/June

    Oliver Tilling at Shepton Veterinary Group provides a Neonatal calf Diarrhoea case study
  • Livestock - May/June

    Katrine Bazeley and Andrew Davies of Synergy Farm Health Ltd. discuss ways that the farm animal clinician can stay safe on farm
  • Cow Management 30.04.13

    Steve Borsberry from 608 Farm and Equine Veterinary Surgeons shares some tips on disease prevention and tackling health problems in dairy herds in particular the importance of providing clean - fresh water.
  • Cow Management 30.04.13

    Image of XLVets stand at Livestock 2012
  • Farmers Guardian 26.04.13

    Jonathan Statham Bishopton Veterinary Group suggests testing youngstock for BVD
  • Farmers Weekly 26.04.13

    Alaister Hayton at Synergy Farm Health Ltd. Explains that the best chance to cure mastitis is at the start of the infection
  • Farmers Weekly - 19.4.13

    A regional round up of the key veterinary issues from Calweton Veterinary Group - Shropshire Farm Vets and ProStock Vets Ltd.
  • Farmers Weekly - 5.4.13

    A regional round up of the key veterinary issues from Parklands Veterinary Group - Penbode Vets Ltd and Lambert Leonard and May
  • The Northern Farmer - April 2013

    Richard Matthews of Castle Veterinary Practice Ltd. suggests prevention is better then cure for tick diseases
  • The Northern Farmer - April 2013

    A list of DIY AI courses being ran by Bishopton Veterinary Group