XLVets Farm

Working together for a healthier future

Press articles

  • The Northern Farmer 01.06.13

    Rachael Ridley of Bishopton Veterinary Group discusses the best ways of staying on top of lamb health
  • The Northern Farmer 01.06.13

    Victor Oudhuis at Paragon Veterinary Group talks about setting business performance targets
  • British Dairying June 2013

    Andrew Stokes of Penbode Farm Vets, Jemma Reed of Paragon Veterinary Group, James Marsden of Shropshire Farm Vets and Steve Smith of Paws Veterinary Health Centre support the National Heifer Rearer of the Year Award 2013, sposored by Volac
  • Animal Health Advisor 01.06.13

    Louise Silk at Endell Veterinary Group provides an independent overview of the essentials of parasite control in sheep - including advice to offer farmers.
  • Farmers Weekly - 31.05.13

    Colin Lindsay of Capontree Veterinary Centre discusses how vaccinating cows for mastitis has helped some Cumbrian producers get on top of the disease.
  • Farmers Weekly - 31.05.13

    A regional round up of the key veterinary issues from DS McGregor and Partners - Fenton - Midshire Veterinary Group and Rosevean Veterinary Practice
  • Sheep Farmer 31.05.13

    Iain Richards at Paragon Veterinary Group suggests keeping records that are simple and meaningful
  • Farmers Guardian - 24.5.13

    David Black from Paragon Veterinary Group suggests the agricultural sector need to work together to tackle John's disease.
  • Farmers Weekly 10.05.13

    Michael Head of Shepton Veterinary group talks about how health planning can help promote responsible medicine use
  • Farmers Weekly 10.05.13

    John Macfarlane from Alnorthumbria Veterinary Group talks about effective storage and timely use of vaccines to maintain efficacy