XLVets Farm

Working together for a healthier future

Press articles

  • The Northern Farmer January 2015

    Katharine Blease, Bishopton Veterinary Group, discusses the BVD eradication scheme in Scotland.
  • Cow Management January/February 2015

    David Preece, Tyndale Vets Ltd, discusses incentives to put a lid on the Johne's threat.
  • Dairy Farmer January 2015

    Jonathan Statham, of Bishopton Vets, discusses a campaign to promote the control and prevention of BVD in cattle.
  • Veterinary Practice Today Jan/Feb 2015

    Joe Henry, of Alnorthumbria Vets, discussed improving flock performance by reviewing the production year.
  • Veterinary Times

    John Dawson, Willows Veterinary Group, reports on the world congress for cattle vets, which this year was held in Australia.
  • Farmers Weekly 12.12.14

    Oliver Tilling, Shepton Veterinary Group, outline some practical steps to tackle coccidiosis.
  • Farmers Guardian 05.12.14

    Joe Henry, ALnorthumbria Veterinary Group, explains his views on controlling sheep scab.
  • Farmers Guardian 05.12.14

    Outlines how Dr Andrew Northey, Synergy Farm Health, is pioneering ET technology for commercial farmers.
  • Farmers Guardian 05.12.14

    Matt Hylands, Lambert Leonard and May, discusses how cow signals help to hone robotic system.
  • Farmers Weekly 05.12.14

    Hannah Fletcher, Midshire Veterinary Group, Matthew Berriman, Rosevean Veterinary Practice and Richard Davies, Fenton Veterinary Practice, contribute to Vet Viewpoint's regional round-up of key veterinary issues.